Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Snowflake Microphone

Well I haven't posted anything in awhile. I bought an iMac 20" a couple of months ago and I should do a review on that very soon and all the features and toys on it. After purchasing the iMac, I started listening to tech podcasts, especially ones on the Mac. I contacted WizardGold on Twitter, he runs the podcast Mac20Q which he asks you 20 questions about the Mac. At the time of doing the interview I only used the internal mic on the iMac and after listening to the podcast it was clear that I required a better microphone. I also use my laptop and make phone calls with Vonage Talk when I travel around the world to call and use Google video chat, Skype and Oovoo.

The microphone that I bought is the Snowflake from Bluemic This microphone is compact and great for traveling. I found the sound to be very good and when you hook it up via usb there are no drivers to install and it works on both Mac and Windows. You can either set it up on your desk or connect it to your laptop cover, so when you are doing video chat your voice is directed towards the camera. I purchased this microphone at my local BestBuy for $79.00
You can follow me on Twitter as rosscraig